St Lawrence Primary school is now on Twitter

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to inform you that St Lawrence CE Primary School is now on Twitter.

We will be using this platform to keep you informed about some of the work being done in school, sharing with you useful sites and activities, setting optional tasks for those of you working from home, for example a recycling challenge or a nature hunt, and just keeping in touch in general.

During this lockdown while the school community is not together, if your child completes a brilliant piece of work or a fun activity which you would like to share, please email it to and we can consider including this on our page as well.

May we take this opportunity to draw your attention to the Parent Code of Conduct and the Social Media Policy, both of which outline the expectations around the use of social media sites. We are sure that you will understand the importance of respecting one another and using this online tool as a positive way of sharing and staying in touch. Any disrespectful behaviour and not following of the policies will be dealt with seriously.

We hope you enjoy this opportunity to connect with the school, especially in the current circumstances, and find some useful and fun Tweets. To find us on Twitter, use the tag @StLawrenceCEPr2 if you already have a Twitter account. You do not need a Twitter account to be able to view the page, just search for St Lawrence CE Primary School.

With best wishes,

Alison Moore                                                                                        Rebecca Nash

Head of School                                                                                     Executive Head Teacher


Diocese of Lichfield
Tibberton CE Primary School
TIASS Bronze
Social Impact Schools Award 2024
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© St Lawrence C of E Primary School 2023
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