Forest School – shelters for creatures we share the planet with.

Torah Scrolls

Today, for our work on Judaism, we have looked at the language of Hebrew that is used in Torahs. The children were surprised at how some sounds from English are not in Hebrew. They also commented on how Hebrew is read from right to left, like Arabic in Islam.

Fractions of Amounts

This week in Maths we have been working to find fractions of amounts with different numerators and denominators up to 10/10. The children have all done brilliantly with this! Well done Class 2!

Paul Klee Artwork Lessons 1 and 2

We have been studying the artwork and style of Paul Klee. For our first two lessons, we have recreated one of his most famous works and designed our own in his style. Next week, we are going to transfer our designs into printed versions.

Art Printing in Year 4 and 5

Today we have been learning about the famous Victorian printer, William Morris. We looked at examples of his work before experimenting with pre-made prints onto paper. Using what we learnt about the famous printer, we then designed and made our own prints using layered cardboard. As William Morris was famous for fabric printing, we used our own individual print blocks to print onto our own fabric. We’ve had a wonderful art day in Year 4 and 5 and I’m sure you’ll agree, the finished fabric prints look great. Please see the following photographs from the day. Miss Jukes.


Fun Science!

This week, Year 4 and 5 started their new topic on Sound. The children had fun investigating vibrations caused by sound and are looking forward to the rest of the topic!

Learning Spanish Vocabulary in Class 2

Mrs Leon taught us about colours and fruit in Spanish.

Science Experiment – Planting Poppy Seeds and Wildflower Meadows

In Science, we started our first experiment of the term this week. We have planted poppy seeds in a range of containers to see which growing conditions will give us the quickest and biggest poppy plants. The children had a great time planting their seeds and have made predictions about which seeds will germinate into plants the quickest. To make it as fair a test as possible, the containers and seeds will get the same amount of water, sunshine and heat during our experiment.

As an additional contribution to our school, Class 2 have planted wild meadow flower seeds to encourage more butterflies, bees and wildlife to visit our grounds. These flowers will also provide some beautiful colours for the rest of the school to look at while they are in bloom.

Diocese of Lichfield
Tibberton CE Primary School
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