
Pupils at Tibberton, our sister school, have been writing poems in response to worship this week.

Here is just one example:

Courage is a little voice at the end of the day saying I’ll try again tomorrow

Overcoming your fear

Understanding courage isn’t a roar

Respecting everyone’s fears

Always be courageous

Getting back up and trying again

Everyone has fears to overcome.


I wonder if anyone at St Lawrence could write a poem about courage? Please share it with us if you do.


Our new value for this half term is Courage.

We enjoyed attending worship at church last week to take part in our first prayer swap with the community. We were delighted to have Amelia, one of our spiritual ambassadors, present a prayer from St Lawrence, and receive one written just for us by members of the clergy of St Lawrence church.

The children have been thinking about how their little steps forwards, even when they are nervous or worried, are great demonstrations of courage. Elsie and Freddie R have drawn their feet and written their promises of little steps they plan to take to start off our new display in school.

Sporting success in Archery

Our two schools joined forces and competed at the Telford & Wrekin Sports College this week in a combined archery competition. Out of 19 schools, St Lawrence finished a creditable 6th place and were also recognised for their excellent behaviour and sportsmanship, while Tibberton children picked up bronze medals on the day. Well done to all the children who competed and earnt a fair play award as voted by their peers and young leaders.

Welcome to our new Foundation Governor

The Federation welcomes Marie Matthews to our team of governors for the Federation of Tibberton CE & St Lawrence CE Primary Schools. Marie has written the following for our school governance page:

After beginning my career working in credit management, I moved into the teaching profession in 1991 with a B.Ed. from Manchester Metropolitan University. I spent the remainder of my career in Berkshire & Buckinghamshire secondary schools where I taught ICT, Business Studies, Economics & Careers up to middle leadership, gaining much experience as a curriculum leader and associate SLT member. Having recently retired to Shropshire, I remain interested in the development of schoolchildren and I look forward to applying skills gained in over 30 years as a teacher as I join the governing body of the Tibberton CE Primary School & St Lawrence CE Primary School Federation.

Helping Others

Some of the Spiritual Ambassadors went with Mrs Nash to STAY in Telford this morning to donate a hamper they had made at school. STAY, who are based at Meeting Point House, provide support for vulnerable and homeless people across Telford.

The team were very pleased to receive this from the children, and wished everyone at St Lawrence a Merry Christmas.


Twinkly Nativity

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Twinkly Nativity yesterday, brilliantly performed by Classes 1 & 2. It was a wonderful re-enactment of the Christmas story, and we all enjoying twinkling, dancing, and singing and reflecting on the precious gift of Christmas.

We look forward to seeing lots of you on Thursday afternoon for the Key Stage 2 Carol Service at St Lawrence church.

Panto visit

On Tuesday 14th December, Classes 1 & 2 went to Telford Theatre in Oakengates to watch Treasure Island, their swashbuckling panto!

The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience, even though the baddy was a bit scary and we weren’t too sure about splatting Mrs Kynaston with a custard pie!

We were very proud of the children’s behaviour- super role models for our school.

Worship this week

On Monday 4th December, the whole school went to St Lawrence church to meet Reverend Kay who told us all about the importance of Advent and why we light a candle. We lit the first candle in the wreath, and thought about how Jesus is a symbol of hope to the world.

Following worship, our new spiritual ambassadors had a meeting with Rev Kay to think about how they would like to be involved with church and our worship times, and how they could help spirituality to grow. We’re looking forward to sharing their ideas with you in the new year, but before that look out for their contributions to our Christmas service in church.


This half term our school value is Compassion.

Amelia in Year 6 has written a prayer as part of her role as a Spiritual Ambassador:

Dear Lord,

Help us to spread kindness through not only our school but the whole world. Whether it is something small like a smile or something big like giving someone something.

Help everyone to show compassion in our school to make it a kinder more compassionate place for all of St Lawrence.

Help us to give compassion to receive compassion.


Spiritual Ambassadors

We are excited to announce the launch of a new pupil committee in school- our Spiritual Ambassadors!

These children are going to be helping with worship, both in school and at church, liaising with Reverend Kay in writing prayers for the community and thinking about how we can support others, providing great role models and caring for others in school, and looking at how we can increase our spiritual place and contribution to society. They have already come up with some ideas about fundraising to help those in need and will be writing to you via the newsletter soon.

The children wrote to Mrs Nash if they were interested in the role, and were selected based upon this and their comportment in school.

Our new ambassadors are: Lottie, Amelia, Soraya, Faith, Oliver, Babaa and Darci. Congratulations to these children, you will do a great job.

Diocese of Lichfield
Tibberton CE Primary School
TIASS Bronze
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