Homework club

Just a reminder that your children can access homework club after school on a Wednesday. This club has moved to allow children to take part in Mr Mullinder’s sport clubs on Mondays or Tuesday as well.

We are really proud to be improving our extra curricular offer, and look forward to starting choir, coding club, and board games/ chess clubs in the new year.

Children in Need 2023

Today children have dressed in spotty or colourful clothes to raise money for Children in Need. The generosity from families has been much appreciated, and we will update you with how much money we have raised.

Thank you for helping us to support others and to be kind members of society.

Anti Bullying Week

This week we have recognised Anti bullying week, and made links between that and this term’s value of Compassion.

We began the week with Odd Socks day on Monday 13th November. It was fabulous to see difference and such a huge range of colours, sizes and materials being proudly worn round school. These crazy socks remind us that we are all different, yet all fabulous in our mixture of colours, sizes, beliefs and abilities.

The children have thought have about how showing compassion helps others feel better. Our new interactive spiritual display encourages children to think about this value of compassion, and how being a good friend is a great choice.

Filming with Councillor Davies

Two children from St Lawrence and two children from Tibberton (our sister school) were chosen to take part in filming in Southwater Library with Councillor Davies ahead of his Christmas message to the residents of Telford.

The children had to ask ‘either/ or’ questions on camera, and also discuss their own Christmas traditions. They all did a fabulous job.

What would your responses have been?

Mince pies or cookies

Father Christmas or Snowman

Polar Express or Santa’s sleigh

Giving or receiving gifts


Bible readings for this half term

When we visited St Lawrence church, Reverend Kay gave us some Bible readings linked to thankfulness, our value for this half term.

Ephesians 5:18-20

“–instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”

Psalm 107:8-9

“Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”

Kindness Month

We have been taking part in the NSPCC’s kindness challenge, and will keep focussing on the value of kindness alongside that of thankfulness as part of our worship time in school. We have already started thinking about what a good friend is, and how we can be thankful for the people around us.

Thank you to everyone who was able to support the NSPCC by coming in their own clothes and making a donation to this fabulous charity.


Open Classrooms Event

It was wonderful to see so many parents at school on Friday 22nd September. We know it’s a bit of a squeeze in our classrooms, but it was lovely to be able to share what the children are doing and for you to see their classrooms.

Thank you for the feedback we have received so far- once the survey closes on Friday, Mrs Nash will analyse the responses and get back to you on what we will do next to be ‘even better if’.

We hope to see you all again soon!


Classes 2, 3 and 4 went to Church this afternoon and enjoyed seeing Reverend Kay who spoke to us about thankfulness. We thought about the story of the 10 lepers from Luke 17: 11- 19 and the leper who was healed due to his thankfulness. Reverend Kay asked us to think about what we are thankful for- lots of children said their family and friends. At St Lawrence, we are thankful for our wonderful environment and that you allow us to teach your super children.

We are looking forward to seeing what else we can learn in Worship next week as we continue our theme of Thankfulness every Monday.

Welcome back!

What a fabulous first week back we have had. The children have been amazing, settling back into routines, or getting into routines for the first time in the case of our new Reception pupils.

I hope you have had chance to see the wonderful playground updates that the PTA took charge of during the summer holidays. We now have pictures on the demountable, a colourful fence, painted and relocated sheds, outdoor blackboards for writing or drawing on, and a beautiful buddy bench. Thank you to all of the parents, and their children, who made this happen.

We also have new toilets in the demountable, meaning that the children using those classrooms have a clean, tidy and updated space.

We look forward to sharing all of these improvements and other developments with you at our open classroom afternoon on 22nd September.

Art Club

Well done to all of the children who joined Art Club this year. We had a great time being creative, and enjoyed sharing this with parents too on the last week.

Looking forward to be arty again next year!


Diocese of Lichfield
Tibberton CE Primary School
TIASS Bronze
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