Science Experiment – Planting Poppy Seeds and Wildflower Meadows

In Science, we started our first experiment of the term this week. We have planted poppy seeds in a range of containers to see which growing conditions will give us the quickest and biggest poppy plants. The children had a great time planting their seeds and have made predictions about which seeds will germinate into plants the quickest. To make it as fair a test as possible, the containers and seeds will get the same amount of water, sunshine and heat during our experiment.

As an additional contribution to our school, Class 2 have planted wild meadow flower seeds to encourage more butterflies, bees and wildlife to visit our grounds. These flowers will also provide some beautiful colours for the rest of the school to look at while they are in bloom.

Class 2 – final week of the Spring Term

Class 2 have had a lovely final week of the Spring Term. We have been busy carrying on with our division work, preparing our Easter Service contributions and making lots of Easter crafts.

Below are a selection of images from our work this week.




Skeletal system of humans and animals

For our Science learning this week, we have been exploring the skeletal system of humans and animals. We worked on labelling the parts of a human skeleton and then made comparisons to the skeletons of different animals. We talked about why certain animals have different bone structures.

Division in Maths – 26th March

This week has been a jammed pack one! We have begun our work on Division in maths; the children have all done brilliantly with this tricky concept and we will continue this work either side of the Easter Break.

We started the week with physical division work using equipment to physically divide before moving onto formal calculations.

Forest Schools 19th March

In Class 2 Forest School sessions this year, we have developed our teamwork, communication and listening skills. We have also learnt how to use different tools and think imaginatively about how we can use natural materials in different ways to complete tasks and challenges.


Science Week – 12th March

We drew a sun, water and cloud on the bag. We filled the bag with water and blue food colouring and hung it on the window so the sun would heat it up. We used a hairdryer to help the sun.’