Telford & Wrekin Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA)

Telford and Wrekin Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA) have created another 14 day challenge for pupils to participate in. The purpose of the activity is to promote children’s mental health and well-being during these difficult and uncertain times. Each day the children are prompted to take a photograph to help create a positive attitude and give a purpose or focus to their day. All photos can be taken in their house, garden or whilst doing their daily exercise. The photographs will help to spread the happiness!

Photo Challenge 2

Fitness Fun!

Last week we welcomed Sasha from Hoola Nation into school to teach us how to hoola hoop.  Sasha is the founder of Hoola Nation and is a world record holder for completing the London Marathon whilst hoola hooping all the way around.  She was extremely impressed with the talents of the pupils here at St Lawrence and everyone enjoyed participating in the workshops.

Forest School Fun

Judie Ellis from Wrekin Forest School has been working with children in the Forest School area on their new themes.  Class 1 have been going on a bear hunt and making porridge, Class 2 have been making stone age weapons and tools, Class 3 have been going back to rationing and making soup with limited ingredients.  All the children have had the most wonderful time learning about their new themes in the outside environment.

Class 3 Expedition to the Wrekin

Yesterday, as part of our Shackleton and Antarctica topic, Class 3 went on an Expedition to the Wrekin. The day started with a visit to Arthog Outreach to kit the children out in appropriate Expedition gear. The Class was split into three groups and each group made their way 407 metres towards the top of the Wrekin ‘off-road’ using maps and compasses. We had lots of stops on the way, where our Expedition leads talked about the planning, communication issues and general struggles that Shackleton faced. Team work was key, just like it was for Shackleton, and children worked together and encouraged each other, especially in the steep climbs! We had lunch amongst the nature, where children understood the lack of luxury that Shackleton and his team also would have faced.  All three groups, triumphantly, reached the summit and enjoyed the 360 degree spectacular views. A brilliant day was had by all. Well done to all of our Class 3 explorers!




Commando Joe’s Launch Day

Commando Joe’s is not only a hugely passionate organisation, but it’s highly experienced at delivering evidence based, impact driven interventions in all types of schools across the country.  We were lucky enough to have our launch day with Commando Stuart who worked across school on activities promoting resilience, team work and determination.