
Friday 4th March, 2022

Dance Festival at Wrekin College

Before half term Mrs Moore and Mr Matthews were lucky to take a group of Y2 and Y3 girls to Wrekin College for a dance festival. The children were enthusiastic and engaged, having a wonderful time showcasing their dancing abilities. Burton Borough and Charlton students were extremely impressed with our pupils and how well they followed instructions and were able to copy the quite complex dance moves. Well done girls!

Friday 4th March, 2022

Celebrating 25 years of World Book Day

On Thursday 3rd March we celebrated World Book Day. We were very impressed with the involvement of the children both with dressing up and participating in the ‘Book Scene’ competition. Thank you to all of our parents who supported this event and all the support you give on a daily basis with the journey of reading. It is clear to see that there is a love of reading at our school and the phrase ‘reading is the window to the world’ is embedded into our school culture.

We were so very impressed with the ‘Story Scene’ boxes that were created by the children and the amount of time and effort that must have been spent on them. We have kept a selection of them to display in school to showcase the strong partnership between school and home and the love of reading.

Friday 4th March, 2022

Visit from Commonwealth Games Mascot

St. Lawrence staff and pupils were very excited to receive a visit from the mascot of Birmingham’s 2022 Commonwealth Games this week. Perry brought with him high energy, enthusiasm and passion which was extremely infectious!  How wonderful for us to be part of this journey and vision to unite the whole region and present the unique stories of every community.