
Thursday 3rd March, 2022

World Book Day class 1

The children have had a lovely day celebrating the wonder of books. We have loved admiring and talking about their costumes, reading their books and having fun in our houses this afternoon working on book activities. Here is a snapshot …

Friday 18th February, 2022

Newsletter Class 2 – 18.2.22





What a fantastic final week on our theme of ‘Why did a castle have moat?’. This week, we explored the Battle of Hastings and the impact it has had on England since 1066. I’d like to put a spotlight on our PE, which for this half term has been Dance. Today, the children continued their wonderful learning in this area of PE; they were so excited to show their learning of the Charleston Dance Routine. It was so brilliant that I thought I would share it. Have a lovely half term!

Thursday 17th February, 2022

Fallen tree – 17.02.22

Class 1 were so interested to look at the tree which has fallen down on the field. We carefully examined the roots. Albie said “They’re enormous.” Niamh said “It fell down because it’s so windy, look my hair is blowing around.” We felt the wind on our faces and talked about how it made us feel. We then had lots of fun making a ‘tree train.’

Friday 11th February, 2022

11th Feb Forest Friday

Class 1 have enjoyed making a heart photo frame and using it to capture images they love around school. Take a look at how the children got on.