At St Lawrence Primary School, we aim to provide an exciting, balanced and varied programme of activities in physical education that will contribute to each child’s physical and emotional development. We strive to create a positive attitude towards P.E. with expert coaching and responsibility given to the children. It is hoped that the children will gain enjoyment from physical education and pursue sporting activities in their private lives, thus promoting a healthy lifestyle. The school introduces children to a range of sporting activities and encourages them to appreciate how such interests can enrich their lives. A variety of activities are arranged throughout the year and children of all ages have the opportunity to participate in them. We have a number of high level gymnasts, judo and horse riding champions in our school. Within the curriculum, we have used our Sports Premium Grant to provide each class with at least two hours of quality physical education and school sport. We have also used the funding to provide ‘‘extra-curricular’ sport sessions twice a week and 2 lunch time sessions twice a week. The focus of these sessions is chosen by the children and questionnaires tell us they are very popular.
Although we are a small school, we take part in as many inter school competitions as possible and have a netball club as well as a cross country running club. We feel physical potential can be enhanced by including children in teams for internal and external competitive events. During the Summer Term the Key Stage 2 children have a series of weekly swimming sessions at Newport Swimming Pool. Our aim is for all pupils leaving the school to be able to swim at least 25m. All pupils in year 5/6 have the opportunity to attend Arthog Outdoor Education Centre on a school residential.
22- 23 Sports Premium
Pupil_premium_statement_St. LAwrence 2021- 2024
21-22 Sports Premium
Evidencing the impact of the primary PE and Sport Premium 2021 – St Lawrence
20-21 Sports Premium June 20
19-20 Sports Premium Review 22.6.20 20-21
Sports Premium 2019-2020
Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium Dec 2018 update StL