Design Technology Statement
At St. Lawrence CE Primary School, we build a Design Technology curriculum which is inspiring, rigorous, and practical. We begin our planning for lessons by looking at the skills progression in the National Curriculum, assessing what the children already know and can do, and coupling this with the Kapow scheme of work. This approach ensures that children have a strong and varied understanding of the skills that form Design & Technology, and are ready to build on and develop these skills year on year.
We want our children to use creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values.
We intend for all children to acquire appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum. As part of DT, we create strong cross-curricular links with other subjects, such as Mathematics, Science, Computing, and Art. We want Design and Technology to prepare our children, to give them the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences they need to be successful in later life.
We are also mindful of our contribution to the world, and our place as consumers and producers. We take part in initiatives such as ‘Reuse and Recycle Week’, ‘Plastic Free’ month and working with employers such as Veolia to focus on sustainability. This gives children a real-world context for their learning, and helps to embed and realize their understanding.