At St Lawrence CE Primary we are always eager to promote educational school trips or inviting visitors in to the classroom to support the learning taking place inside the classroom. Enrichment activities make an excellent contribution to the acquisition of knowledge and development of fundamental skills. Studying the man-made and natural world, the past and present, science and arts, music and language can all be enhanced by the interactive setting outside the classroom. In addition, adventure and sports activity teaches skills and can form the the foundation of life long hobbies and interests, improving physical and mental well-being.
Trips, visits and special learning experiences are woven into the curriculum offer to provide all pupils with memorable experiences and contexts for learning. An element of fun is essential to secure engagement, but we always find our pupils are keen for new experiences and bring great enthusiasm and some tricky questions to all our providers.
We often include our pupils in the decision making about trips and visitors, involving them in the planning and preparations.
All learning experiences here at St Lawrence CE Primary, whether in class, outdoors, off- site, day to day or part of an extended visit, are experiential, active and in a context to ensure maximum engagement, maximum learning.