Christmas Disco

A virtual glitterball, glow bands and some great tunes meant that the school disco was a Christmas Treat for everyone involved!

Parent Consultation

The governors of our Federation are looking to join St Bartholomew’s CE Trust in the near future.

Our Chair of Governors, Caroline Sands has set out the process for doing so and is seeking to consult with parents.

A link to St. Bartholomew’s website can be found here.

Wellbeing Charter Mark Award

We are pleased to announce that Tibberton and St Lawrence schools have been accepted as pilot schools for the Wellbeing Charter Mark pilot being run in 10 schools in Telford.

This involvement means we will develop action plans to support pupils in staff in maintaining positive mental health and wellbeing.

We hope that all pupils will take part in the survey that will gather important data for the pilot- please see a letter that has been sent home this week with a link to opt in.

We look forward to sharing more information and news with you over the coming months.

Being the best we can be, with God

Today, we have spent a wonderful day thinking about our school Vision and the Christian values that underpin everything we do.

We began the day with a worship time to reflect and learn together, thanking God for always believing in us and talking about how He helps us to be our best. The children said things like: “we know he’s always with us”, “God helps us feel brave”, “I know he loves all of us”, “Jesus is all around us and inside us”.

Despite the rain, we also gathered in St Lawrence Church to share prayers and some reflective work the classes completed today. The children showed an amazing understanding of Matthew 19:26 and the Bible stories that are the foundation of our 6 school values- Thankfulness, Respect, Honesty, Forgiveness, Courage and Compassion.

Well done everyone- God has been at work today in hearts and minds.

Back to School

We are back to school and everyone has settled in brilliantly. The new Reception children are already shining stars, and we have all enjoyed getting to know new pupils. The school is full of activity, laughter, and energy and we can’t wait to share it with you at open classrooms and in class events.

Being the best we can be with God- our Vision is certainly ringing true as everyone is working hard and trying their best, learning new things and achieving every day.

Nurture Provision

We are very proud to be officially launching our nurture provision at St Lawrence from September. You can read more about this below, but we will also send information out on the newsletter and are busy behind the scenes creating a special nurture page on the website.

Can you help?

We are looking for donations for our new Bee Hive nurture room at St Lawrence. Please see below for items we would be very grateful to have donated:

Super Kind!

We are delighted to share that we have earned the @superkind_org #SocialImpactSchoolsAward this year.

This is a testament to the wonderful social action work that our students have put in this year to make a positive impact on our local community and wider world. This has been through things such as World Refugee Day, raising money for charities, and writing letters to try to bring about change, as well as the work of the Eco Team.

We are thrilled to have earned this recognition and are looking forward to having even more social impact next year! #superkind


With new rules coming into force around absence from school, we would like to share the following visual to help explain the changes:

Sports Day Ready!

We are looking forward to our sports day today at St Lawrence and hoping the sun keeps shining!

Mr Mullinder and his crew of helpers have been busily setting equipment up this morning, and the children have enjoyed a run through so they know what to expect this afternoon.

This promises to be the biggest sports day yet, with some famous faces in goal for one of the events!

We hope to see lots of you at school, but for those of you who can’t make it don’t worry- we will cheer all the children on and share some photographs next week.

Diocese of Lichfield
Tibberton CE Primary School
TIASS Bronze
Social Impact Schools Award 2024
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© St Lawrence C of E Primary School 2023
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