St Lawrence Whole School Fieldtrip

On Thursday last week, the whole school went on a local fieldtrip, arranged by Mrs Mountcastle, our geography lead. We walked 4 miles around the locality, looking at farms, wildlife and examples of sustainability.

Children in Reception and Years 1 & 2 used a photograph map to find their way along the route, and the children from Years 3- 6 used OS maps.

Back at school, Reception made flatbread with some wild garlic we had collected, Class 2 carried on learning about native and local plants, Class 3 wrote about their adventure, and Class 4 made their own maps of the journey.

We were very proud of all the children, and look forward to the next fieldtrip.

Class 4 Found Alive on (very cold) Desert Island!

Class 4 have been discovered stranded on a desert island! After their ship was wrecked in a storm, they found themselves stranded and had to use their ingenuity and resourcefulness to survive.

Having decided their priorities were food, water, shelter and signalling for help, Class 4 set to these tasks. They made fire, using flints and cotton wool and baked their own bread over the main camp fire. The class also whittled fishing spears and built shelters form the resources they found. They also made beacons and SOS signs to signal to passing planes.

Thankfully, they were discovered just before lunch when it started to rain!


Chinese Dragon Dance

This week we had a visit from a Chinese dancer who taught us how to perform a traditional Chinese dragon dance.

We enjoyed being the head of the dragon, and thinking about how to make the body bend and move in time to the beat.

Do you know why dragon dances are so popular, and why the colour red is so important? Ask us all about it!


Manor Adventure

During the week beginning 22.2.24, many children from Class 4 attended a week long residential to Manor Adventure, near Craven Arms. The children spent the week with their peers from Tibberton CE Primary school and enjoyed many outdoor pursuits, such as high ropes, abseiling, rock climbing and rifle shooting. All of the children who attended the residential had a great time and many new friendships were made and challenges completed.

Class 4 Forest School

Class 4 had a great time in the forest school session, creating a model of the solar system using natural materials to link with the science work they have done this half term.