
Monday 21st November, 2022

Once a week take a peek – Head lice campaign

Once a week take a peek- Head lice campaign

The school would like parents to follow the campaign called “Once a Week Take a Peek”. This emphasises the importance of everyone checking the family’s hair for head lice every week and provides information about getting rid of lice if they are found.

Further information can be found at this website www.onceaweektakeapeek.com

Once a week take a peek- Head lice campaign

Friday 18th November, 2022

Anti-Bullying Week – Reach Out

This week has been National Anti-Bullying Week and in school children have been discussing this year’s theme ‘Reach Out’.  The key message has been to remind everyone whether it’s in school, at home, in the community or online, let’s reach out and show each other the support we need.

Our Safety Squad have done a brilliant job this week planning an assembly and delivering it to the whole school on Wednesday. It was lovely to see the children supporting Anti-Bullying week by wearing odd socks and sporting some wild and wacky hairstyles! The children have really embraced the theme and have spoken about the fact that is good to be different and unique.