The Government allocates funding to schools to support raising attainment for specific groups of children these groups include children who are eligible for free school meals, children in care and children who have a parent who works in the armed services.
School and Governors work in partnership to carefully plan how we allocate this funding according to the needs of our children.
Pupil Premium (PP) funding was introduced in 2011. As well as additional funding, this gives schools the capacity to consider socio-economic barriers to progress. The most effective decisions regarding PP spending are rooted in a thorough diagnosis of the specific challenges faced by eligible pupils. This diagnosis should be followed by a review of evidence to determine which approaches are most likely to have a positive impact on outcomes.
It is recommended that spending decisions are grounded in the tiered approach to PP spending. The tiered approach recognises the demands on budgets by guiding schools to focus their spending in three ‘buckets’:
First, on high quality teaching for PP children to benefit from. This can and should be spent on approaches to support recruitment and retention, alongside professional development for staff.
Second, on targeted academic support such as small-group or one-to-one tuition. This could be used to address specific academic challenges, but also to support higher-attaining disadvantaged pupils to meet their potential.
Finally, on wider strategies which could include support for attendance and behaviour.
By leveraging the tiered approach to PP spending, schools can build an evidence-led approach to tackling some of the challenges holding back disadvantaged young people’s learning. Given the growth of the gap during the pandemic and increasing child poverty, using this resource well has never been more important. Our intent is to use this additional funding to ensure there is no difference between outcomes for pupils deemed disadvantaged and their peers.
Evidencing the impact of the primary pe and sport premium 2023.24 – St Lawrence
Pupil Premium statement 2022 – 2023
Pupil Premium Statement 2021-22
Covid Catch-Up Premium Plan – Nov 2020 St Lawrence
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 20 21 ST Lawrence Sept 20