British Science Week in class 1

Class 1 had great fun taking part in a measuring activity. First Miss Fisher used a piece of string to measure us and then we used the string to try and find something that was longer, shorter and the same. After we laid all the pieces of string on the carpet and had some wonderful discussions about who is the tallest, shortest. We also got ourselves into height order, tallest at the front of the line and tested out a theory to find out if Clara’s arm span was the same as her height. We also took off a shoe and to find out if our foot is the same length as the distance from our wrist to our elbow.

Class 1 – Sunflowers

Class 1 painted some beautiful pictures of sunflowers on Friday to show that the people of Ukraine are very much in our thoughts and prayers at this time. Well done Class 1.

World Book Day class 1

The children have had a lovely day celebrating the wonder of books. We have loved admiring and talking about their costumes, reading their books and having fun in our houses this afternoon working on book activities. Here is a snapshot …

Fallen tree – 17.02.22

Class 1 were so interested to look at the tree which has fallen down on the field. We carefully examined the roots. Albie said “They’re enormous.” Niamh said “It fell down because it’s so windy, look my hair is blowing around.” We felt the wind on our faces and talked about how it made us feel. We then had lots of fun making a ‘tree train.’

11th Feb Forest Friday

Class 1 have enjoyed making a heart photo frame and using it to capture images they love around school. Take a look at how the children got on.