Newsletter Update

From next Friday (24th) the ‘Class Pages’ that we include on the weekly Newsletter will be added to the school website rather than included within the newsletter. Check out your child’s class page to see the exciting learning that has a taken place over the week.

Fractions of Amounts

We have continued our work on Fractions by looking at Fractions of Amounts this week. These photos are of the children using cubes to help them carry out the method physically.

Self Portrait work with Henry (our resident artist)

Music Lesson 3 – Forest School Percussion

For our work in Music this week, we have been working on the control of percussion instruments. We’ve looked at tempo, beats and pulse as part of our work on our composer Ludovico Einaudi. Today in Forest School, for our third music lesson, we explored using a range of percussion and natural instruments to create our own percussive patterns (beats). Here are a sample of our work.