Class 3 Music Day!

Today we have had a fun Music Day where we focused on Benjamin Britten. Britten wrote all kinds of music but is especially known for his operas.

At the beginning of the day, we looked at two images and thought about how these could be portrayed through percussion instruments. We practised creating sounds using various instruments and then focused on one instrument, experimenting with the different sounds that could be made from this. We discussed the fact that some notes are played longer than others and used instruments to show this.

We then learnt about the man himself and focused on the piece of music ‘Storm Interlude’. We listened again to one section and practised recreating this individually with one instrument. We listened to another section of the composition and discussed this in depth as class. In groups we chose instruments that we thought were needed to best re-perform this section and then how we would play our instruments as a group composition. We then practised and performed in groups to the whole class.

In addition to this, Year 6 children practiced using their instruments as part of a group to bring the images to life. They used percussion instruments sensibly and showed good control and accuracy whilst performing to the rest of the class.

For the second task, Year 6 composed lyrics to the music to describe the movements of ‘Storm’ by Benjamin Britton. They worked as a group to create a song and then performed in front of Year 4 and 5. We were so proud of their performances!

In the afternoon, Year 4/5 thought about how music is composed and created and how the use of ICT can help us to do this. We talked about how some musicians use ICT tools to create their songs and soundtracks. After this discussion, we worked in groups of three and used a iPad to create our own piece of music based on Benjamin Britten’s piece we had learnt about previously. We used a website called ‘BeepBox’ to create our music. This involved lots of trial and error and careful listening to see how the piece could be improved or changed. We had to think carefully about how to make these changes using the tools in the software for effect. To finish our lesson, we took it in turns to play our piece to the rest of the class who listened and gave feedback to each group.


Art Printing in Year 4 and 5

Today we have been learning about the famous Victorian printer, William Morris. We looked at examples of his work before experimenting with pre-made prints onto paper. Using what we learnt about the famous printer, we then designed and made our own prints using layered cardboard. As William Morris was famous for fabric printing, we used our own individual print blocks to print onto our own fabric. We’ve had a wonderful art day in Year 4 and 5 and I’m sure you’ll agree, the finished fabric prints look great. Please see the following photographs from the day. Miss Jukes.


Fun Science!

This week, Year 4 and 5 started their new topic on Sound. The children had fun investigating vibrations caused by sound and are looking forward to the rest of the topic!

Year 4 Chetwynd Deer Park Trip

Year 4 had the best afternoon on their visit to Chetwynd Deer Park today. When we arrived, we dived straight into pond dipping where we found lots of tadpoles, a water boatman and even a newt! The hosts were very excited as no other school has ever found a newt before!

Next, they wet our appetites with a bug eating activity where we had the option of eating mealworms and crickets! They were surprisingly tasty and most of the children enjoyed…some even went back for seconds!

Finally, we went on a bug hunt around the deer park. We found lots of different insects including a rare beetle. One of the children also found a deer skull which was very exciting!

Summer Homework

Please see Seesaw for Year 6/Year 4/5 homework where it will uploaded by Mrs Barker/Mrs Standish/Miss Jukes on a Friday and will need to be completed on Seesaw by the following Wednesday.

Many thanks

Mrs Standish

Fun Fractions!

Maths in Year 4 and 5!

Today, we began to revise what we already know about Fractions and began to think about our new Fractions topic. We each had a box of smarties and represented each colour as a fraction. We grouped our smarties and linked this to addition and subtraction of fractions, thinking about why we only add/subtract the numerator. We then linked this to place value and parts of a whole (parts of a whole Smarties pack!).

Mrs Standish


Spring has sprung for Years 5 and 6

Spring is bursting out all over our school grounds. The buds are unfurling on the trees, the birds are singing and starting to build their nests and our glorious yellow daffodils are putting on a fantastic show around our school field.



The daffodils inspired us in our artwork this week. We hope you enjoy looking at our gallery of daffodil sketches.


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) 19th March

On Wednesday, we had a remote learning session with a member of the Sea Cadets Corps. We learnt about the theory behind what makes an object float or sink and how this was then applied to boat building. Following this, in pairs, we were set a challenge to make our own boat from a piece of A4 card, foil and paperclips. Each pair then tested the buoyancy of their boat in water and how much weight could be added before sinking occurred. All the boats were able to float with 390g on board, far exceeding the challenge of 50g, so well done to everyone.