
Wednesday 10th April, 2024

Spring Term Attendance

A big congratulations to the 36 children who made it to school every day last term. We always talk to the children about the importance of good attendance, and the impact missing school can have on their learning, so we are so pleased that our pupils want to get to school as much as they can.

Thank you for your support with attendance. We do understand that sometimes a child is just too poorly, and are grateful for the communication you have with school when this is the case. Remember, if you think your child may be well enough, try a dose of Calpol and send them in- if they are too poorly or get worse, we will always get in touch with you to come and collect them.

Let’s aim high for summer term- so many children only missed one day or even half a day, perhaps we can have over 40 children on 100% for this last term of the school year.