
Thursday 22nd October, 2020

Harvest Celebration

Tuesday 13th October, 2020


This week I have been approached by the village Rotary Club about supporting the Purple4Polio campaign. Rotary’s pledge for a polio free world was made in 1985 where 125 polio endemic countries where experiencing hundreds of new cases every single day. For over 35 years, The Purple4Polio campaign in Great      Britain and Ireland is to raise funds to end polio now. When a child receives their life saving polio drops in one of the countries that is at risk their little finger is painted with purple dye so it is clear they have received their life saving vaccine. To raise awareness of this we will be asking children to come to school on Friday 23rd October dressed in purple or mufti with some purple represented on their outfit and on that day we will be planting purple crocus bulbs in the school quiet garden to help us remember the global challenges some countries are faced with. We ask for a voluntary donation of £1 on this day to help the cause.

Tuesday 13th October, 2020

#Hello Yellow

Many thanks for the support today for #Hello Yellow which raises funds for the Young Minds Charity. At a time when its needed most we are supporting a charity whose primary aim is to help young people’s mental health and well being. The      children looked fabulous in the different variations of yellow   outfits and did really well finding something to wear in this tone. I know that I had to dig deep in the depths of my wardrobe to find something to wear! We raised an impressive £91.50 and thank you all for your generosity.

Monday 28th September, 2020

At the school gates