Newsletter Update

From next Friday (24th) the ‘Class Pages’ that we include on the weekly Newsletter will be added to the school website rather than included within the newsletter. Check out your child’s class page to see the exciting learning that has a taken place over the week.

New Reception making a fantastic start to learning!

          Our Reception 2021 intake have settled really well in to school life. You will see below how they are making the most of the learning opportunities available to them. We are very proud of you!


Class 3 Sports Day

What a fantastic sports afternoon, was had by Class 3. All the children fully engaged with the ethos of competition.  Lots of cheering for all was to be heard, everyone competed with a smile  and enthusiasm. Even if they found themselves coming last no one gave up. We were so proud of them.



Diocese of Lichfield
Tibberton CE Primary School
TIASS Bronze
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