Forest Schools 19th March

Tuesday saw us implementing the next stage of our Forest School revamp. As well as a general tidy up, great fun, some science/maths learning  also took place as we thought about the best way to remove our old fire pit seating. The old, oak trunk seating had naturally rotted and decayed over the many years of use. The use of levers in the form of crowbars and pushing and pulling forces were all needed for success. Thanks to the enthusiasm for the task by the children,  the work was all carried out in one session, including the new tree trunk seating put in place. We now have much more seating around our firepit. Well done everyone involved.

Science Week – 12th March

To begin Science Week, Class 3 studied a diverse range of famous scientists.

Edward Jenner was a very famous English scientist whose name has gone down in medical history as the ‘Father of Vaccination’. All vaccinations we have today owe their roots to his discovery of a vaccine for Small Pox. Ask your children at home, what other scientists we studied?

Ice-cream Experiment An endothermic reaction

The salt took the heat from the milkshake and gave it to the ice and made it a liquid. Because the milkshake didn’t have heat, it froze into ice-cream’


Class 3 News 17.12.20

Linking with Forest School the children have enjoyed making their own wood slice tree decoration. I think you will agree they all look very festive and   something that they can hang on their tree for years to come.

We had a fun filled day of Christmas Crafts on Wednesday. Thank you to the PTA for supplying the great crafts which were enjoyed by all the children. Our last morning was spent watching the lovely Christmas film, The Polar Express whilst tucking into snacks.  Class 3 would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas